Friday, December 8, 2006


Friday was approaching all to rapidly for Kate and Jo. Jo had spent most of his time at Lucy’s and he returned on Thursday afternoon with the puppy. “What are we going to call him?” asked Kate. Jo smiled and pointed at the pad of paper beside Kate’s bed. She was in the middle of packing up their things. Kate gave Jo a pencil and a piece of paper and he handed her the puppy. It was so cute. Jo wrote on the paper, “Benny”. Kate smiled and involuntary tears brimmed at her eyes, “after Ben?” she asked. Jo smiled and nodded. Kate knelt down and encircled him in her arms. The puppy squirmed between them. “I love you Jo. Do you know that? You are a very special boy,” she told him tenderly. She released him and he took the puppy and scurried out of the room. Kate stood up and brushed the tears off her cheeks, “pull yourself together, girl, you can’t afford to cry every time his name is mentioned,” she scolded herself under her breath. She inhaled deeply and then continued packing. She would have to replace most of her wardrobe; Julie wouldn’t own the sharp suits and designer clothes. She sighed, there was going to be much of her old life that she would miss….

Kate was zipping up the last case when Tim knocked on the door and poked his head inside. “How’s it going?” Mum wanted to know if you wanted any of this stuff. His arms were loaded up with all manner of things. Kate laughed, “wow! I could really use a few of those things.” Tim dumped them on the bed and helped her to sort though the stuff. She picked out two sleeping bags, a couple of pillows, the tarp and fishing tackle, the small esky, a couple of maps, and a small frying pan and waiters friend. There was even a little tub of Vicks, “this could come in handy,” picking it up and putting it with the first aid kit. “That should do it,” she said as she arranged the things, “I must thank your mother. We’ve had a great week.” Tim put his hand on her shoulder, “well, we’ve loved having you here, want some help loading this stuff into your car?” Kate nodded, “that would be great.”

The things that she’d purchased from the hardware store were already waiting beside the car. Kate placed the two large cases in first, followed by the tent and swags. The rest was arranged methodically. She put the maps, first aid kit and pillows in the backseat. “There, I can’t believe it all fitted in,” she said as she slammed the hatch shut with a sense of satisfaction. Tim laughed, “it’s a perfect fit, you sure you have everything you need?” Kate nodded; she’d completed a mental inventory as they had loaded it in, “yep, don’t think I could fit anything else in anyway!” They both laughed, then Tim headed for the milking shed while Kate returned to the house. All that was left in the room were her backpack, handbag, briefcase and an overnight bag with a couple of changes of clothes for each of her and Jo, and a few other necessities. She didn’t want to have to unload the suitcases every night. There was enough in the overnight bag to cover them for three to four days. She picked up her now empty handbag and briefcase, “Julie wouldn’t be needing these.” She went in search of Caroline.

Caroline was pleased, “are you sure?” she asked as she inspected the handbag. “This looks expensive,” she lifted it to her nose, “it’s real leather!” Kate smiled, “I just don’t need it anymore and I knew that someone with your taste and style would look after it. Do you want the briefcase too?” Caroline stroked the leather bag almost reverently, “well, if you’re sure….” Kate nodded. “Well, I don’t need a briefcase but it would be the perfect graduation present for Sarah.” Kate smiled, “of course, that’s a wonderful idea!” The ladies sat back down and sipped their tea. “Think of them as a small token of my appreciation. You and Bob have looked after us so well this week.” “Oh, it was a pleasure,” Caroline dismissed the compliment, “it’s been like having one of my daughters back for a week. You and Jo are treasures.” Kate smiled, “Well, we’ve really enjoyed your hospitality.” They finished their tea in silence and then Kate helped Caroline finish the dinner preparations.

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